URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1015 | Distance Between Two Points Solution in C,C++,Python

URI - BEECROWD - BEE Online Judge Solution  1015 | Distance Between Two Points - URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1015 Solution in C,C++,Python 

Read the four values corresponding to the x and y axes of two points in the plane, p1 (x1, y1) and p2 (x2, y2) and calculate the distance between them, showing four decimal places after the comma, according to the formula:

Distance = 


The input file contains two lines of data. The first one contains two double values: x1 y1 and the second one also contains two double values with one digit after the decimal point: x2 y2.


Calculate and print the distance value using the provided formula, with 4 digits after the decimal point.

Input SampleOutput Sample

1.0 7.0
5.0 9.0


-2.5 0.4
12.1 7.3


2.5 -0.4
-12.2 7.0


URI Online Judge Solution  1015 | Distance Between Two Points - URI 1015 Solution in C,C++,Python:

  URI Problem 1015 Solution in C :   

1 Response to URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1015 | Distance Between Two Points Solution in C,C++,Python

  1. The formula to calculate the area of a circumference is defined as A = π . R2. Considering to this problem that π = 3.14159:

    Calculate the area using the formula given in the problem description.
