URI / BEE CROWD 1116 - Dividing X by Y - Solution in C,C++,Python | URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1116 Solution in C,C++,Python

URI / BEE CROWD 1116 - Dividing X by Y - Solution in C,C++,Python | URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1116 Solution in C,C++,Python

URI / BEE CROWD 1116 - Dividing X by Y - Solution in C,C++,Python | URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1116 Solution in C,C++,Python

beecrowd | 1116

Dividing X by Y

Adapted by Neilor Tonin, URI  Brazil

Timelimit: 2

Write a program that read two numbers X and Y and print the result of dividing the X by Y. If it's not possible, print the message "divisao impossivel".


The input contains an integer number N. This N is the quantity of pairs of integer numbers X and Y read (dividend and divisor).


For each test case print the result of this division with one digit after the decimal point, or “divisao impossivel” if it isn't possible to perform the calculation.

Obs.: Be carefull. The division between two integers in some languages generates another integer. Use cast:)

Input SampleOutput Sample

3 -2
-8 0
0 8

divisao impossivel


This program takes user inputs. Then check the conditions for each test case contains. Finally, print the results.

N.B: Don't copy paste the code as same. Just try to understand it and try yourself.

  URI / BEE 1116 Solution in C :   

  URI / BEECROWD Online Judge 1116 Solve  in C :                                          

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
        int n, i;
        float x, y;

        scanf("%d", &n);

        for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            scanf("%f %f", &x, &y);

            if(y == 0)
                printf("divisao impossivel\n");
                printf("%.1f\n", (x/y) );

        return 0;

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