Write a program to eliminate left factoring from a production of a grammar using JavaScript in Compiler Design

Write a program to eliminate left factoring from a production of a grammar using JavaScript in Compiler Design

 In this article, we will explore left factoring and present a JavaScript program that eliminates left factoring from a production of a grammar. We will explain the theory behind left factoring, delve into the code implementation, and provide input/output examples.

Left factoring is a grammar transformation technique that involves identifying common prefixes among two or more productions and factoring them out into a separate production. 

For example, A -> α β | α γ 
After left factoring:
A -> α A'
A' -> β | γ

This process helps in avoiding ambiguity and redundancy in the grammar. The goal of left factoring is to simplify the grammar by removing unnecessary repetition.

Remove left factoring from a production of a grammar in JavaScript:

Let's explore the JavaScript code that eliminates left factoring from a grammar production:

let nonTerminal = 'S';
let productions = 'iEtS|iEtSeS|a|iES';
console.log(`The given grammar is: ${nonTerminal} --> ${productions}`);

const LeftFactoring = (productions) => {
  let words = productions.split('|').filter(e => e !== '');
  if (words.length > 1) {
    const counts = words.reduce((acc, w) => {
      let prefix = '';
      for (let i = 0; i < w.length; i++) {
        prefix += w[i];
        acc[prefix] = (acc[prefix] || 0) + 1;
      return acc;
    }, {});

    try {
      const alpha = Object.entries(counts)
        .filter(([_, v]) => v > words.length / 2.0)
        .sort((a, b) => b[0].length - a[0].length)[0][0];

      let nonTerminalPrime = '';
      words.filter(word => word.includes(alpha))
        .map(word => word.replace(alpha, ''))
        .filter(e => e !== '')
        .forEach(e => nonTerminalPrime += e + '|');
      let gamma = words.filter(word => !word.includes(alpha));
      console.log(`${nonTerminal} --> ${alpha}${nonTerminal}'${gamma ? `|${gamma}` : ''}`);
      console.log(`${nonTerminal}' --> ${nonTerminalPrime}#`);

      nonTerminal = `${nonTerminal}'`;
    } catch {

console.log(`After Left Factoring:`);


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