URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1013 | The Greatest - URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1013 Solution in C,C++,Python

URI - BEECROWD - BEE Online Judge Solution  1013 | The Greatest - URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1013 Solution in C,C++,Python 

Make a program that reads 3 integer values and present the greatest one followed by the message "eh o maior". Use the following formula:


The input file contains 3 integer values.


Print the greatest of these three values followed by a space and the message “eh o maior”.

Input SamplesOutput Samples

7 14 106

106 eh o maior

217 14 6

217 eh o maior

URI Online Judge Solution  1013 | The Greatest - URI 1013 Solution in C,C++,Python ::

  URI Problem 1013 Solution in C :   

7 Responses to URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1013 | The Greatest - URI - BEECROWD - BEE 1013 Solution in C,C++,Python